You can grow your business only with better monitoring, better accounting and better sales. We provide all that!
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We are continually developing and improving our applications.
Our application for businesses in the service industry is on trial version.
Get it for free!
Uzaplus software enables you to
monitor your shop's per-minute sales,
stock per-piece & employees
Uzaplus enables you to understand
your cash and inventory flows.
This protects you from blind mistakes
Uzaplus enables you to pay &
monitor your staff work attendance
Your employees can request for leaves,
loans and withdraw their salaries & bonuses
Uzaplus will be your best Personal Assistant once you start using it
An all in one assistant who can manage your stock, sales, accounting and employees all at a salary of as low as $29.99 is certainly the best
Uzaplus checkout speed is averagely at
3.75 seconds per order.
You don't need to have prior computer skills to sell.
Daily cash flows, expenses
and mpesa statements that make,
daily accounting easy.
Use UzaPlus SMS to communicate to your
customers every time you have an offer
or New stock unlock your sales!.
You don't need to visit all of
your retail stores to monitor sales,
Sales are updated instantly!.
You can record your suppliers and even
receive stock from them directly to your
A coming soon website aiming to
improve UzaPlus Merchants' sales
We are the partners you never had.